Leagues - Add Multiple Players

This page allows you to enter the scores for multiple players at one time - total score only

This page assumes that the score entered is the score for the player based on all the WHS rules for Equitable Stroke Control

Entering Data for Batch: 221 (There are 41 players selected for this round)

Enter the date for the round (Click in date box):  
Select Course

Select Holes Played:

Select PCC Adjustment:

Please review the players selected for this batch input to be sure they are the right players, if they are not, please use the "Pick Players" link on the left to select the correct players.

Agredano, Joe
Arriaga, Hector
Baker, Bill
Barnett, Ryan
Baxendale, Gordon
Black, Gary
Brumage, Zach
Burreson, Mike
Culbertson, Jim
Cuthrell, Ron
Depatie, Bill
Devos, Gordon
Foster, Greg
Fraser, David
Glass, Jerome
Hopkins, Mark
Houston, Jeff
Houston, Rick
Hoyt, Tom
Hyatt, Tom
Ivanoff, John
Jeffries, Bill
Kahao, Martin
Kniffen, Bill
Madrid, Paul
Marsh, David
Marsh, Roger
Mclean, Rich
Moulton, Roger
Quinn, Mike
Rabb, Bob
Redding, Jim
Rehyer, Tim
Shields, Randy
Stoeger, Gary
Swart, Bob
Vogler, Jake
Vreeland, Bob
Wendling, Gary
Wills, Steve
Yamada, Tommy