GolfScoreKeeper Statistics Program

Track stats like a pro - the easy way

If you need help with the site at any time, please send an email to - we monitor our email every day and will usually contact you within 24 hours.

Getting Started with Golf Score Keeper

Setup Home Course

Use the top or left side menu option for Courses to find your home course. If you cannot find your home course in the list, you may use the option to insert your course.

Next verify, with a scorecard from your home course, that the tees you normally play are entered for the course and that the information entered there is correct. If the tees you normally play are not there, then you can enter a new set of tees.

Once your tees are entered, you may look up your course from the Courses option and use the link "Add to MyCourses" to add the course as one of course you regularly play.

Enter Account Data

You may use the link at the top or left side of the page to edit your account information.

Here you enter the information for your profile as follows:

  • Name and Address: this is your regular home address and the name we use to identify your profile.
  • Email: this is the email address we will use to communicate with you.
  • Password: your personal password for the system. When you change your password, you need to log into the system again
  • Handicap: Enter your current USGA handicap, this number will be updated with the handicap calculated by Golf Score Keeper after you have entered at least five rounds of 18 holes.
  • Home Course: You may select your home course from your courses listed in MyCourses
  • MyBag: use this option to select the clubs you normally carry in your golf bag

Enter Rounds

You may now start entering rounds of golf from the top or left side menu option .