Leagues - Manage Players

Manage Group Players for Links Masters Golf Club

Add new League Member: Enter email address to add new member to the group:
Members for Links Masters Golf Club There are 1 members in this group.
Name Email
WHS Handicap Index
Add Round Score
Select Course, tees and Player

Guest Member
League Manager

9 Hole: 1042
18 Hole: 1989
There are 1 members in the group and rounds entered is 3031

Help Section:
1. Adding new players to this group requires that you enter the email address for the player to see if we have this player in our database. If the player is found you may add the player to your group. If the player email address is not found, then you may add the player to the database by providing the players first name, last name, gender and estimated handicap. Just use the button above to add the player.
2. Editing Players in this group is accomplished by clicking on the button next to the players name. You can edit the players email address, name and mailing address information.
3. Removing players in this group is done with the button next to the players name. This will remove the player from your group but will not delete the player from our database. This will allow the player to continue to use the site even though the player is no longer a member of this group.
4. Adding Scores - Use the column called "Add Round Score" above in order to add a score for a league member. You need to select the course and the tees and the player and then click on the "Select" button . This will take you to the Enter Rounds section where you can select the entry method and enter the data for the round.
5. View League Member Rounds - The button will show the rounds that have been entered for the league member.
6. Each time this page is refreshed, the WHS Handicap Index is calculated for each member of the league
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