Courses - Patty Jewett Golf Club

Patty Jewett Golf Club 9 Hole Course

Facility Patty Jewett Golf Club Course 9 Hole Course

900 E Espanola St
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

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Tees Rating Slope Par Out Yards Out Par In Yards In Yards Par
Plains/burgandy 70.0 127 36 3,318 36 3,139 6,457 72
Peak/burgandy 69.0 119 36 3,234 36 3,081 6,315 72
Prairie/burgandy 67.0 114 36 3,065 36 2,923 5,988 72
Your WHS course handicap for each set of tees for this course:
Plains/burgandy: -52
Peak/burgandy: -50
Prairie/burgandy: -50

Based on a WHS Handicap Index of -44.3
Click here for a handicap card for this course
1 rounds entered for this course.