Golf Leagues
Golf Score Keeper has a very robust leagues section which allows league managers to record and track the handicaps for every member in the league.
If you would like to create a club or league of your own, you can do so by signing up for a one year subscription and then use the Leagues section to create your league.
Each league manager needs to have a paid subscription to the Golf Score keeper site ($9.90 per year).
You can enter scores either one at a time or in batches.
Leagues Help Section:
1. Managing players - You can add, edit and delete players from your group by using the "Manage Players in this Group" link above.
2. Managing Courses - The group manager may add courses to his/her account using the feature under Courses which adds courses to MyCourses. The courses listed under MyCourses are the ones which may be used for entering scores. If a course played by the group is not in our listing of courses, it may be entered with the tees that are used by the group for that course.
3. Adding Scores - The group manager can use the "Enter Rounds" link to add scores for the group. First the course played must be selected, then the next page will allow the manager to select the player, the tees, the type of round played, the date of the round and the score entry method (this defaults to allowing the entry of the ESC score only). When the score for one player has been entered, you can then add a round for the next player using the same default data for the entry and only entering the next score.
4. Player Types - The group manager can change the player type for each member of the league. The players type can be either a "Player" which means they can edit their own rounds or the player may be a "League member" which means they can view the rounds for the group but they cannot edit their own round data.